Before she limped on stage to present the award for Achievement in Production Design with Daniel Radcliffe, Stewart caught up with best supporting actress winner Anne Hathaway. 在她一瘸一拐地和丹尼尔雷德克里夫一起上台颁发美术设计奖之前,她和最佳女配角安妮海瑟薇一起聊天。
Usually editing, production design and costume design are different jobs on a movie set, but you did all of these for 'The Grandmaster.' How did you juggle them? 问:通常,剪辑、造型设计和服装设计在电影制作中属于不同的工作,但你在《一代宗师》中却身兼三职,你是如何做到同时兼顾这些工作的?
The promise lies partly in Alex McDowell's elegant production design, which suggests that Krypton's civilization was influenced by cross-cosmos currents of Gothic and Gaud í, but mainly in the darkly revisionist premise. 人们期待它的部分原因是亚历克斯•麦克道尔(AlexMcDowell)精致的制作设计。在他的设计中,氪星文明受到跨宇宙的哥特式和高迪式潮流的影响,但是大多修饰得比较阴暗。
But in its own way, the production design was as exciting as Star Wars. 但这是它自己的方式,其电影设计和《星战》一样激动人心。
Banquet dish production design is to ensure technological support and operability for the realization of the dish products in the banquet menu. 宴会菜品生产设计是为实现宴会菜单设计的菜品提供的技术支撑和可操作性保证。
Study& application on key technology of ship production design data management system 船舶生产设计数据管理系统关键技术研究与应用
This paper discusses the solution of a math problem in the practice of a spherical production design, presents its math model and obtains the required arc equation of spherical surface. 根据在某个球形产品的设计中的实际问题,本文建立了该问题的数学模型并推导出需求的球面圆弧方程式。
Research on Knowledge Modeling and Model Reuse Method for Complex Production Design 复杂产品设计知识模型构建及其重用方法研究
This article briefly introduced the general descriptions and features of the means of access and knowledge on means of access of bulk carrier in production design. 简要介绍检验通道的特点以及散货船检验通道在生产设计中的应用,对具体的设计提出了一些建议。
Production Design System Based on Database of Market Information 基于市场信息数据库的产品开发系统
Appraisement Methods and Application for Production Design Quality 产品设计质量评价方法及其应用研究
Research on Man-hour Prediction Model of Production Design for Shipbuilding 船舶生产设计工时体系及预测模型研究
Research on the Minor Manufacturing PDM Based on Production Design 基于产品设计为主线的中小型制造业PDM研究
Research and application on project management based on PDM of ship production design 基于船舶生产设计PDM系统的项目管理研究与应用
Study on the Production Design System Based on Digital Shipbuilding 基于数字化造船的生产设计体系构建
The production design showing originality, the character shaping is vivid, with the dense nationality amorous feedings. 产品设计独具匠心,人物造型栩栩如生,民族风情浓郁。
To find big difference in the assimilation world, keeping production design lead is a key strategy of Lamett to attend the global competition. 于大同的世界中寻找大不同,产品设计领先战略是Lamett乐迈地板参与全球市场竞争的核心战略。
We are able to provide all-around turn-key projects as follows; production design, equipment manufacture, installation and adjustment, technical training for workers, conforming product. 从工艺设计→设备制造→安装调试→生产工人技术培训→产出合格产品,公司实行全程全方位服务的交钥匙工程。
Built with flexibility in mind, the movable seating arrangement inside the Drama Salon is capable of holding up to200 audience members and can be adjusted to suit any production design. 四周可移动的隔音板可以根据您的需要设置通道位置,场内高科技可移动的观众席可以根据剧目本身不同的特点自由组合,最多可有200个观众席。
Research on Electric Fitting Production Design Teaching Based On EFSED 基于EFSED的船舶电装生产设计教学研究
Workplace and production layout design and improvement. 工位和生产布局的设计和改善。
This article researches at home and abroad, specifies the proportioning and production design of mixed material in the cold rebirth substrate of emulsified bitumen. 文中结合国内外已有的研究,阐述了乳化沥青冷再生基层混合料配合比设计工作。
Case Study on the Use of New House of Quality Model in the Single-item and Small-batch Production Design 面向单小批量产品设计的质量屋模型改进研究
Study& Application on Data Management Method of Ship Production Design in Modern Shipbuilding Mode 现代造船模式下船舶生产设计数据管理方法研究与应用
At the same time, it brings forward the problems we should pay attention to during the stamping production design considering formability. 总结出了冲压产品设计过程中,考虑拉延工艺性时应注意的几个问题。
With the development of man-machine systems, the requirements for industrial production design are more strict. 总结和分析了基于人机工程学原理的工业产品设计方法,提出了今后该领域的发展方向。
Actress-director Sylvia Chang pulls out a new bag of tricks filled with vibrant animated sequences, wacky production design, a racy tempo and even cheeky first-person address to audience. 集演员导演身份为一身的张艾嘉以生动的动画场景,搞怪的创作设计,快节奏和顽皮的第一人称视角向观众陈述这部别具一格的电影。
A preliminary study on prediction and pre-control of drawing quality for electrical outfitting production design 电装生产设计图纸质量测控管理初探
It analyses theory basis of production design, introduces the content and characters of virtual production design technique, discusses the function and superiority virtual reality technique applying in production design. 分析了产品设计的理论基础,介绍了虚拟产品设计技术内容和特点,讨论了虚拟现实技术应用到产品开发中的作用与优势。
Along with the continuum of the development of distributed collaborative working modes of manufacturing enterprise, it require to realize collaborative management of production design and flow in the different departments. 随着制造业企业异地协同工作模式的不断扩展,要求在空间和网络上处于不同位置的部门,能够实现产品设计与生产流程的统一管理。